伤口上散盐 发表于 2023-5-12 16:17:53



catiav5.exe run under Teamcenter 4 TierTRANSLATORCATIAV5USABILITY
TcX_Failed to Open in NX from ActiveWorkspace URL.NXMANAGERAUTOTESTAUTOTEST
About RigidGroup that can be selected inBondMFG_FIXTURE_PLGENERALSUPPORT
Fehlermeldung, beim Save as ->Revise...: Internal error memory access violatiARCHITECTUREUSER_ATTRIBUTESGENERAL
NX1980 uses much more memory than NX1953while saving.ASSEMBLIESASSEMBLY_MODELFACET_JT_REPS
Error handling failed: General FaultException if Save as from AssemblyARCHITECTUREUSER_ATTRIBUTESGENERAL
Columns Modification in SimulationNavigator is not savedCAEADV_SIMULATIONNAVIGATOR
Configuration of columns in"Simulation Navigator" will not be savedCAEADV_SIMULATIONNAVIGATOR
Code 943005 "Input for partrevision was invalid" when translating drawing to PDNXMANAGERTRANSLATORSINFRASTRUCTURE
Corrupt data found when loading an OMfileNX_SHEET_METALALLALL
Display of Object column in NX ANTincomplete if legacy multi-level assembly isNXMANAGERASSEMBLY_NAVTC_PROP_COL
Unable to open part with error - Corruptdata found when loading an OM fileDESIGNFEATURE_MODELDATUM_CSYS
General Fault Exception in NXDieoutCAEADV_SIMULATIONNXOPEN
Class id error, opening a PID SheetP&ID_DESIGNERSHEETLOAD_SHEET
When we save the part file it isconsuming large memory size.ASSEMBLIESASSEMBLY_MODELFACET_JT_REPS
NX2023 design session fails to save on2nd time saveDMUDESIGN_SESSIONALL
Probe evaluates at incorrect subcase forMP Coupled solution inc ContactCAEADV_SIMULATIONPOST_PROBE
Poor NX software performance in assemblycontext with changing current featureASSEMBLIESASSEMBLY_MODELPERFORMANCE
NX Drafting PRT File Will Not Open -Corrupt Data Found When Opening An OM FileCORRUPTED_PARTSOPEN_PARTALL
Cannot load NX11-Routing-File - Corruptdata found when loading an OM fileDESIGNFEATURE_MODELDATUM_CSYS
CMM Inspection Programming worked finein NX12, but takes 45 minutes for dialogCMM_INSPECTIONSIMULATIONALL
Remote Object in structure causes LW BOMexpansion to fail with internal errorSTRUCTURE_MGRLIGHTWEIGHTBOMSOA
Sync- Initialize Simulationdeactivate-unidentified channel name-internal errorCAMSYNCHRONIZATIONISV
Unable to mass edit the attributes ofFBM features in NX2007CAMFEATURE_BASEDUSER_INTERFACE
an abstract method was incorrectlycalledARCHITECTUREUSER_ATTRIBUTESGENERAL
The count value is not matching withOlder version.KDAMOLDWIZARDDESIGN_PROCESS
NX 2206 is not allowing the customer tocopy PMI down into a staged modelSTAGE_MODELPMI_REUSECORE
Ped Pro NCAP test points are not onmultiple layersKDAGENERAL_PACKAGEPEDPRO
Ped Pro results comparison of two filesKDAGENERAL_PACKAGEPEDPRO
Nodal force report not working withresults from an initial stepCAEADV_SIMULATIONPOST_OTHER
One Step - Mesh Quality Check dialogdoesn't popup after CalculationDESIGNINFO_ANALYSISONESTEP_ANALYSI
PMI Wave Linker fails with message"dependent geometry is not in active referencPMIWAVECORE
NX: Part saved in 1953 cannot be loadedin 2007DESIGNFEATURE_MODELDATUM_CSYS
Fatal error when switching assemblywindows or updating Mass Properties - InvaliASSEMBLIESWEIGHT_MANAGEALL
Object Selection performance in NXCAMFEATURE_BASEDUSER_INTERFACE
Ped Pro Child and adult zone incorrectfor this BRRL caseKDAGENERAL_PACKAGEPEDPRO
Feature2Cost Stamping Analyze Does notdetect Bending, Drawing, or Embossing AreKDAFEATURE2COSTSTAMPING_COST
NX is forced to close when saving a partfile with many bodies.ASSEMBLIESASSEMBLY_MODELFACET_JT_REPS
DMU Snapshots fail to load componentsDMUSNAPSHOTGENERAL
Ped Pro Improve Corner CRP to WAD1000projection for this specific caseKDAGENERAL_PACKAGEPEDPRO
"Attribute Culumn Selector" inANT property cannot be executed.NXMANAGERATTRIBUTESATTR_GROUPS
Symbol designer snapping to geometryrather than gridKDANX_DIAGRAMMINGDESIGN
Bad performance of part familiy editingcompared to NX 2027KDAREUSE_LIBRARYREUSE_TC_LIB
INTERNAL ERROR: Memory access violationwhen PID Symbol is positionedP&ID_DESIGNERLIBRARYREUSE_LIBRARY
NXMGR: Fail to Save As New Item inmigrated environmentARCHITECTUREUSER_ATTRIBUTESGENERAL
NX DMU Replace raises an Internal Error.DMUSNAPSHOTGENERAL
Turning IPW Display ErrorCAMTURNINGIPW
SC2022.1-Probleme de moyennationCAEADV_SIMULATIONPOST_RESULT
drafting load data errorARCHITECTUREOMLOAD
Diagramming parts are opened twice in NXKDANX_DIAGRAMMINGDESIGN
DT:Move remote object pop up to summarypage or preference to suppress the popupNXMANAGERFILE_OPENALL
Symbolic Thread with pocket designcommandKDAMOLDWIZARDPOCKET_DESIGN
DMU Snapshots Load issues"nullpointer"DMUSNAPSHOTGENERAL
NXMGR: NX duplicate dimensions in DMUSnapshotsDMUDESIGN_SESSIONALL
No Way to Modify Attributes Value in thenew MFN Navigator for Multiple FeatureCAMFEATURE_BASEDUSER_INTERFACE
Wrong legend max value on hidingelementsCAEADV_SIMULATIONPOST_RESULT
Filter for Routing Reuse Search is notshowing all membersROUTING_GENERALREUSE_LIBRARYSEARCH
Symbol fill causes a thicker symbol lineKDANX_DIAGRAMMINGDESIGN
Wrong averaged bending Von Mises onshellsCAEADV_SIMULATIONPOST_RESULT
Subcase errors for stress linearizationCAEADV_SIMULATIONPOST_OTHER
Routing and unrouting of cable stock isnot working in NX2206ROUTING_ELECCONNECTION_LISTAUTO_ROUTE

phonone 发表于 2023-5-12 16:28:24

andy1414 发表于 2023-5-12 17:21:48


andy1414 发表于 2023-5-12 17:22:20


0571* 发表于 2023-5-13 09:46:21

页: [1]
查看完整版本: NX2212.6000(5月份补丁修复列表)