NX 12.0 运动仿真帮助文件译文链接
去年跟合伙人开青旅的时候,闲暇之时翻译了部分关于运动仿真的帮助文件,西门子官方将NX12.0运动仿真帮助归在Simcenter Motion目录中,部分涉及汽车、柔性体、以及有限元等相关内容超出了个人能力,这部分没有翻译,其他都是根据个人理解,并结合翻译软件进行的翻译,译文的表述很可能并不能完全表达原意,译文仅供参考,如有疑问可查阅原文进行阅读。下面按官网原目录的形式,给出已发布过的译文链接,方便有需要的读者查阅。汉字对应的是已发布的译文链接,原文可点击相应文章末的阅读原文进行跳转,有删除线的代表这部分没有进行翻译,特此说明。
Simcenter Motion 目录列表
[*]Simcenter Motion 概述 Simcenter Motion overview
[*]入门 Getting started
[*]运动仿真文件 Motion simulation files
[*]运动仿真文件名和文件夹 Motion Simulation file names and folders
[*]运动副向导 Motion Joint Wizard
[*]从主模型部件创建运动仿真 Create a motion simulation from a master part
[*]创建引用现有部件运动仿真 Create a referencing motion simulation
[*]创建独立的部件运动仿真 Create a standalone motion simulation
[*]打开运动仿真文件 Opening Motion Simulation files
[*]添加主模型部件 Add a master part
[*]移除主模型部件 Remove a master part
[*]保存运动仿真和相关文件 Saving Motion simulations and related files
[*]克隆运动仿真 Clone a motion simulation
[*]运动基础 Motion fundamentals
[*]迁移运动数据 Migrating Motion data
[*]运动流程 Motion workflow
[*]运动导航器 Motion Navigator
[*]多窗口 Working with multiple windows
[*]运动对象命名 Marker names for motion objects
[*]编辑运动对象 Edit a motion object
[*]默认设置和首选项 Defaults and preferences
[*]创建机构通用指南 General guidelines for building mechanisms
[*]子机构 Submechanisms
[*]子机构 Submechanisms
[*]子机构对象 Submechanism objects
[*]添加子机构 Add a submechanism
[*]定位子机构 Positioning submechanisms
[*]基于坐标系移动子机构 Move a submechanism based on a coordinate system
[*]移动子机构到指定位置 Move a submechanism to a specific location
[*]从子机构解算方案导出非激活状态 Importing deactivated states from a submechanism solution
[*]模型定义文件 Model definition files
[*]创建模型定义文件 Creating model definition files
[*]使用XML schema创建模型定义文件 Create a model definition file using an XML schema
[*]模型定义文件单元格式 Model definition file element formatting
[*]维护仅MDF单元 Maintaining MDF-only elements
[*]编辑和删除仅MDF单元 Edit and delete MDF-only elements
[*]模型定义文件示例 Example model definition file
[*]连杆 Links
[*]刚体(连杆) Rigid bodies (links)
[*]材料属性 Material properties
[*]初始连杆速度 Initial link velocity
[*]创建连杆 Create a link
[*]查看与装配体组件相关的连杆 View the assembly component associated with a link
muoubear* 发表于 2020-10-30 08:12
[*]子机构 Submechanisms
[*]子机构 Submechanisms
[*]运动副 Joints
[*]运动副概述 Joints overview
[*]旋转副 Revolute joint
[*]滑动副 Slider joint
[*]柱面副 Cylindrical joint
[*]螺旋副 Screw joint
[*]万向节副 Universal joint
[*]等速运动副 Constant Velocity joint
[*]球面副 Spherical joint
[*]平面副 Planar joint
[*]固定副 Fixed joints
[*]运动副体素 Joint primitives
[*]创建运动副 Create a joint
[*]耦合副 Couplers
[*]齿轮耦合副 Gear couplers
[*]齿轮耦合副的要求共用基本连杆 About the Gear Coupler requirement for a common base link
[*]创建齿轮耦合副 Create a gear coupler
[*]齿轮和齿条 Rack and Pinion
[*]创建齿轮齿条耦合副 Create a rack-and-pinion coupler
[*]连接多个旋转副,滑动副和柱面副 Connecting multiple revolute, slider, and cylindrical joints
[*]创建2-3联接耦合副 Create a 2–3 Joint Coupler
[*]在2,3或4个连杆间定义相对运动 Defining relative motion between
[*]创建连杆耦合副 Create a link coupler
[*]使用线缆副联接两个滑动副 Using a cable to connect two slider joints
[*]创建线缆副 Create a cable
[*]弹簧,阻尼器,衬套,和梁力 Springs, dampers, bushings, and beam forces
[*]非线性弹簧,阻尼器,和衬套 Nonlinear springs, dampers, and bushings
[*]弹簧 Springs
[*]弹簧刚度 Spring stiffness
[*]弹簧的执行器,预紧长度,和自由长度/自由角度 Actuator, Installed Length, and Free Length/Free Angle of springs
[*]弹簧和阻尼器的应用方向 Application Direction for springs and dampers
[*]创建弹簧和可选项阻尼器 Create a spring and optional damper
[*]阻尼器 Dampers
[*]创建阻尼器 Create a damper
[*]衬套 Bushings
[*]圆柱衬套示例 Cylindrical bushing example
[*]创建衬套 Create a bushing
[*]Tires and roads 轮胎和路面
[*] 轮胎对汽车性能的影响分析 Analyzing tire influence on vehicle performance
[*]Tire and road workflow 轮胎和路面流程
[*] 路面 Roads
[*] 轮胎 Tires
[*] 绘制轮胎结果图 Plotting tire results
[*]运动驱动 Motion drivers
[*] 指定运动 Assigning motion
[*] 创建运动副驱动 Create a joint motion driver
[*] 创建连杆驱动 Create a link motion driver
[*] 接触 Contact
[*] 点和线接触 Contact between a point and a curve
[*] 线线接触 Contact between two curves
[*] 点和面接触 Contact between a point and a surface
[*] 2D单元同平面接触 Contact between 2D elements in a plane
[*] 两实体接触 Contact between solid bodies
[*] 力和扭矩 Forces and torques
[*] 力和扭矩概述 Forces and torques overview
[*] 标量力 Scalar force
[*] 创建标量力 Create a scalar force
[*] 矢量力 Vector force
[*] 创建矢量力 Create a vector force
[*] 标量扭矩 Scalar torque
[*] 创建标量扭矩 Create a scalar torque
[*] 矢量扭矩 Vector torque
[*] 创建矢量扭矩 Create a vector torque
[*] 标记,智能点,和传感器 Markers, smart points, and sensors
[*] 标记 Markers
[*] 创建标记 Create a marker
[*] 智能点 Smart points
[*] 创建智能点 Create a smart point
[*] 传感器 Sensors
[*] 创建传感器 Create a sensor
[*] 运动函数表达式 Motion function expressions
[*] 解算方案和求解 Solutions and solving
[*]求解前预先检查模型 Check the model prior to solving
[*] 创建解算方案 Creating a solution
[*] 创建解算方案 Create a solution
[*] 克隆解算方案 Clone a solution
[*] 求解机构 Solve the mechanism
[*] 静平衡求解 Solve for Static Equilibrium
[*] 定义文件工具箱求解机构 Solving a mechanism using the Simcenter Motion Definition File Toolkit 用Simcenter Motion
[*] 用Simcenter Motion 定义文件工具箱求解机构 Solve a mechanism using the Simcenter Motion Definition File Toolkit
[*]结果 Working with results
[*] 运动结果 Working with Motion results
[*] 创建运动事件 Creating motion events
[*] 快速拖动 Quick Drag
[*]机构动画 Animating the mechanism
[*] 机构分步铰接 Articulating a mechanism by steps
[*] 电子表格捕获运动副位移 Capturing joint displacements in a spreadsheet
[*] 动态测量 Dynamic measurements
[*] 图表 Graphing
[*] 在动画里显示图对象结果 Displaying graphing results in an animation
[*] 视口 Viewports
[*] 打开运动结果文件 Open a Motion results file
[*]电动机和信号图 Electric motors and signal charts
[*] 电动机和信号图概述 Electric motors and signal charts overview
[*] 电机驱动和信号图工作流程 Motor driver and signal charts workflow
[*] 永磁直流电动机 PMDC motors
[*] 信号图 Signal charts
[*] 载荷传递到前/后处理 Transferring loads to Pre/Post
[*] 载荷传递 Load Transfer
[*] 载荷传递流程 Load Transfer workflow
[*] 捕获传递的运动载荷到前/后处理 Capture motion loads for transfer to Pre/Post
[*] 输出运动载荷到前/后处理 Import motion loads into Pre/Post
[*] 分配运动载荷到几何体 Distribute the motion load to the geometry
[*] 求解模型并分析结果 Solve the model and analyze the results
[*]使用XY图表标记时间步骤 Mark timesteps using XY graphing
[*] 柔性体分析 Flexible body analysis
[*]Flexible body basics
[*]Defining flexible bodies in Motion 在运动模块定义柔性体
[*]Spline beam flexible body analysis 样条梁柔性体分析
[*]Flexible bodies workflow (finite element method) 柔性体流程(有限元法)
[*]Flexible bodies workflow (spline beam method) 柔性体流程(样条梁法)
[*]Flexible links in submechanisms 子机构中的柔性连杆
[*]Set up flexible body analysis using the finite element method
[*]Create the motion mechanism for Flexible Body Dynamics 创建用于柔性体动力学的运动机构
[*]Create and solve modal solution in Pre/Post 在前/后处理创建和求解模型解算方案
[*]Create flexible links using the finite element method in Motion 在运动模块使用有限元法创建柔性连杆
[*]Positioning flexible links 定位柔性连杆
[*]Simcenter Motion Solver flexible link attributes
[*]Choosing modes and defining damping for finite element method 为有限元法选择模式和定义阻尼器
[*]Set up flexible body analysis using the spline beam method
[*]Create the motion mechanism for Flexible Body Dynamics 创建用于柔性体动力学的运动机构
[*]Create flexible links using spline beam method in Motion 在运动模块用样条梁法创建柔性连杆
[*]Redefining point and motion object connections 重定义点和运动对象连接
[*]Beam cross section definition 梁交叉部分定义
[*]Spline beam properties 样条梁属性
[*]Solving and post-processing
[*]Create a flexible body solution 创建柔性体解算方案
[*]Solve a flexible body solution 求解柔性体解算方案
[*]Plot flexible body results 绘制柔性体结果图
[*]Specify the contour result type to display for the finite element method 为有限元法指定轮廓结果类型用于显示
[*]Using Pre/Post Post-processing for the finite element method 有限元法的前/后处理
[*]Animate multiple flexible bodies 多柔性体动画
[*]View plots of flexible link at specific time increment 在特定时间增量下查看柔性连杆图
[*]Identifying the step where the minimum or maximum result occurred 识别出现最大最小结果的步骤
[*]Co-simulation 协同仿真
[*]Co-simulation overview 协同仿真概述
[*]Co-simulation - Simcenter Motion Solver
[*]Co-simulation using the Simcenter Motion Solver 协同仿真使用Simcenter Motion解算器
[*]Co-simulation workflow (Simcenter Motion Solver) 协同仿真工作流程(Simcenter Motion解算器)
[*]Run the co-simulation batch file 运行协同仿真平台文件
[*]Control inputs 控制输入
[*]Mechatronics interfaces 机电接口
[*]Control outputs and control motion drivers 控制输出和控制运动驱动
[*]Running the co-simulation with the Simcenter Motion Solver 运行协同仿真同Simcenter Motion解算器
[*]Working with co-simulation results 协同仿真结果
[*]Co-simulation - RecurDyn solver
[*]Co-simulation using the RecurDyn solver 协同仿真使用RecurDyn解算器
[*]Co-simulation workflow (RecurDyn) 协同仿真工作流程(RecurDyn)
[*]Simulink control system file Simulink控制系统文件
[*]Sampling Time and Maximum Step Size 采样时间和最大步长
[*]Set up the control system integration设置控制系统集成
[*]Create a plant input 创建工厂输入
[*]Add a plant input to a motion function 添加工厂输入到运动函数
[*]Create a plant output 创建工厂输出
[*]Run the control system integration 运行控制系统集成
[*]Run the co-simulation with RecurDyn 运行协同仿真同RecurDyn
[*]Plot a plant input or output 绘制工厂输入和输出图
[*]Teamcenter and Motion TEAMCENTER和运动
[*]Teamcenter Integration Teamcenter集成
[*]Teamcenter Integration and Motion Teamcenter集成和运动
[*]Import a motion simulation into Teamcenter 将运动仿真导入Teamcenter
[*]Export a motion simulation from Teamcenter 将运动仿真导出Teamcenter
[*]Create a Simulation file in Teamcenter Integration mode 在Teamcenter集成模式下创建仿真文件
[*]Save Motion files in Teamcenter 在Teamcenter下保存运动文件
[*]Play a Motion animation in Teamcenter embedded viewer 在Teamcenter 内嵌查看器中播放运动动画
[*]Migrate a legacy Simulation file to the Master Model data model 迁移旧仿真文件导主模型数据模型
[*]Process Simulate 过程仿真
[*]Working with Process Simulate Kinematics models 过程仿真运动学模型
[*]Import a Process Simulate Kinematics model 导入过程仿真运动学模型
[*]Export a mechanism for use in Process Simulate 导出用于过程仿真的机构
[*]Creating kinematic models in Simcenter Motion for use in Process Simulate 在Simcenter Motion中创建运动模型用于过程仿真
[*] 运动解算器 Motion solvers
[*] 运动解算器 Motion solvers
[*] 解算器参数 Solver parameters
[*] 从RecurDyn或Adams迁移到Simcenter Motion解算器 Migrating from RecurDyn or Adams to Simcenter Motion Solver
muoubear* 发表于 2020-10-30 08:16
[*]弹簧,阻尼器,衬套,和梁力 Springs, dampers, bushings, and beam forces
[*]非线性弹簧,阻尼器 ...
谢谢分享! 感谢分享!!祝工作顺利 楼主真的强,谢谢了