发帖求助 ugnx12 doc的安装,不成功
Documentation VERSION 12.0
Linux & Mac Issued: October 2017
Files on this DVD are for use on SUSE or Red Hat Linux OR Mac OS X.
___________________________________________________________________ DVD CONTENTS:
README.txt General information and install instructions. WEB SERVED DOCUMENTATION:
Siemens PLM documentation has been redesigned to use a Web server application to serve the documentation.
Customers must decide on either a "Local Installation" using the splmdocserver kit or a "Company Wide Installation" approach using one of many available commercial Web servers. Please read the installation documentation for more information.
_____________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION:
Note: This kit should be installed first, and will install two daemons: 1.The mandatory Siemens PLM Solr Server used for searching. 2.The optional Siemens PLM Documentation Server.
The installation program for the documentation Web server is contained in the "splmdocserverXXX" directory. (where XXX is the version)
To install splmdocserver, change directory to "splmdocserverXXX" then run the install script: ./splmdocserver_install -v
NOTE: The verbose switch (-v) is recommended for first time users.
MacOS only: a run_splmdocserver script is provided to allow running spmdocserver_install by double-clicking in Finder.
The installation program for Documentation is contained in the "docs_help120" directory.
NOTE: The Programmers Reference Manuals are available for download.
To install DOCs, change directory to "docs_help120" then run the install script: ./nxdoc_install -v
NOTE: The verbose switch (-v) is recommended for first time users.
MacOS only: a run_nxdocs script is provided to allow running nxdocs_install by double-clicking in Finder.
______________________________________________________________________ 这个是Linux平台的安装包