发表于 2014-6-26 08:18:37
uplevel #0 {
# This ommand will be executed automatically at the start of program and
# anytime it is loaded as a slave post of a linked post.
# This procedure can be used to enable your post to output helix.
# You can choose from the following options to format the circle
# block template to output the helix parameters.
set mom_sys_helix_pitch_type "none"
# The default setting for mom_sys_helix_pitch_type is "rise_radian".
# This is the most common. Other choices are:
# "rise_radian" Measures the rise over one radian.
# "rise_revolution" Measures the rise over 360 degrees.
# "none" Will suppress the output of pitch.
# "other" Allows you to calculate the pitch
# using your own formula.