New NX Sketch
Beginning with version 1926, NX Sketch has a new solver to help you create sketches that are accurate and represent your design intent.
You focus on creating curves and dimensions to define your sketch.
Accuracy and interpretation- The ≈ symbol shows where dimensions are approximate, for example, after you arbitrarily drag a curve.
![](https://docs.sw.siemens.com/documentation/external/PL20200507135732916/en-US/nx_help_sc/nx/1953/nx_help_sc/common/nonLocalized/nx/sketcher/sketch_intro_dim_01.jpg) - Shaded areas assure you that your sketch boundaries are connected.
- Potentially distracting information is displayed only when you need it.
Minimized external relationships- Dimensions do not create “P” expressions by default. This minimizes the number of external links to the sketch. When you want to create an external expression, right-click and choose Add/Remove Expression.
Creating fewer external expressions minimizes the chance of changing a sketch expression by mistake and reduces clutter in the Expressions dialog box.
- Sketch does not create external geometric relationships by default. When you want to use an external curve, edge, or datum in a sketch, choose the new Include command, or set the Selection Scope so that you can select objects outside of the sketch.
InteractionThe new intelligent solver works in the background as you sketch. Dimensions and relations capture your design intent. The sketch now uses relations instead of geometric constraints. You can create persistent relations, but you will find that you don’t often need to, because most relations are found “on the fly.” Persistent relations you create and the found relations work together.
To create dimensions, you don’t need to use a command. Just select the curve or curves to dimension and select from the candidate preview dimensions you want to create.
Sketch curves change color to black when they are no longer movable, and the Status line tells you your sketch is fully defined.
EditingEdit your sketch by dragging. Select a curve and drag a handle. While editing, click on relations to relax them if they are not what you want. Select a dimension and change the value or drag either arrowhead.
You have freedom to change your design intent, even when the sketch is fully defined, or over-defined. NX sketch guides you to either select specific relations to relax, or you can allow the solver to relax either the needed dimensions or relations to test alternate solutions.
Using existing sketchesWhen you open an existing sketch, you can either edit parameters to make dimensional changes, or you can renew the sketch to take advantage of the new capabilities. Dimensions are the same as before, and constraints are converted into persistent relations.
VideosPress F1 to access the videos in NX Sketch to learn more about the new functionality.
从1926版开始,NX Sketch有一个新的解算器,可以帮助您创建精确的草图并表示您的设计意图。