发表于 2020-2-9 13:48:35
# Determine the tapping G code according to thread direction for float tap.
# 06-25-2013 levi - Initial version
# 08-07-2015 gsl - "TRUE" was mistaken as TRUE (no quotes).
global mom_spindle_direction
global final_tap_mode
global mom_cycle_thread_right_handed
# Get the thread direction by feature first, if doesn't exist, get it from spindle rotation direction.
if { [info exists mom_cycle_thread_right_handed] } {
if { $mom_cycle_thread_right_handed == "TRUE" } {
set final_tap_mode "84"
} else {
set final_tap_mode "74"
} elseif { $mom_spindle_direction == "CLW" } {
set final_tap_mode "84"
} elseif { $mom_spindle_direction == "CCLW" } {
set final_tap_mode "74"
} |