发表于 2019-7-9 09:38:13
自从UG问世以来,到现在NX12版本,加工模块 Since the advent of UG, now NX12 version, processing module 还没有专门的命令用来做联动开粗的,实践的过程中 There is no specific command to be used in the process of linkage, coarsening and practice. 绝大多数工件都是用定轴开粗的,但极少一部分工件 Most of the workpieces are roughened with fixed axes, but very few of them are roughened with fixed axes. 不得已用联动开粗,于是2D转4轴缠绕刀路应运而生, As a result, the 2-D rotary 4-axis winding tool path emerged as the times require. 虽然2D转4轴缠绕刀路很麻烦,它是个复合技术,第 Although the 2-D rotary 4-axis winding tool path is troublesome, it is a composite technology. 一步要抽取外形曲线,第二步展开外形曲线,第三步 One step is to extract the contour curve, the second step is to expand the contour curve, and the third step is to extract the contour curve. 做2D刀路,第四步2D刀路转成曲线,第五步用多轴 Make a 2D tool path, the fourth step is to turn the 2D tool path into a curve, the fifth step is to use multi-axis. 曲线驱动做刀路,每一步都是技术活,而且不同的工 Curve-driven tool path, each step is technical work, and different work 件出现各种不同的问题,这个过程够你呛的。尽管是 There are different kinds of problems, and this process is enough for you to choke on. Although it is 这样,但每一个UG高手都是必须掌握的。 In this way, but every UG master must master. 外形轮廓铣和顺序铣虽然可以开粗,但只适合外 Profile milling and sequential milling can be roughened, but they are only suitable for external use. 形规则的形状,虽然边界驱动有投影矢量和刀轴控制, The shape is regular, although the boundary drive is controlled by projection vector and tool axis. 但是边界驱动与联动开粗擦肩而过,只因边界支持2D But the boundary drive and linkage are brushed by each other, only because the boundary supports 2D. 平面边界,不支持3D边界,至于曲面驱动,虽然有跟 Planar boundaries, do not support 3D boundaries, as for surface drive, although there are heels 随周边,但它不是跟随曲面的形状,而是跟随曲面的 It follows the shape of the surface, not the shape of the surface, but the surface. UV方向。 UV direction. 细心的高手会发现,多轴模块居然没有区域铣削, Careful masters will find that there is no area milling for multi-axis modules. 但固定轴里面有区域铣削,不但可以螺旋,还可以跟 But the fixed axle has area milling inside, which can not only screw, but also follow. 随周边,只可惜固定轴不能随便控制刀轴和投影矢量, Regrettably, the fixed axis can not control the cutter axis and projection vector freely. 于是多轴和区域铣削联系起来,这就给二次开发的高 Therefore, multi-axis and regional milling are linked, which gives high secondary development. 手提供了一个研究思路,那就是将固定轴的区域铣削 Hand provides a research idea, that is, milling the fixed axis area. 移植在多轴的模块里面,如果移植那就意味着2D转4 Transplantation in multi-axis modules, if transplanted, means 2-D to 4-D. 轴缠绕刀路就面临下架了。 The axle winding tool path is facing derailment. |