#============================================================= proc PB_CMD_XYZ余量 { } { #============================================================= global mom_stock_part side global mom_stock_floor global mom_stock use floor same as side global mom_operation_type global mom_motion_type set xystock 0 set zstock 0 if [info exists mom_stock_floor] { set xystock [format "%.2f" $mom_stock_part side] set zstock [format "%.2f" $mom_stock_floor] } if {$mom_operation_type == "point to point"} { set xystock 0 set zstock 0 } MOM_output_literal " (ce:[format "%.3f" $xystock]MM)" MOM_output_literal " (di:[format "%.3f" $zstock]MM)" }
proc PB_CMD_XYZ余量 { } {
global mom_stock_part side
global mom_stock_floor
global mom_stock use floor same as side
global mom_operation_type
global mom_motion_type
set xystock 0
set zstock 0
if [info exists mom_stock_floor] {
set xystock [format "%.2f" $mom_stock_part side]
set zstock [format "%.2f" $mom_stock_floor]
if {$mom_operation_type == "point to point"} {
set xystock 0
set zstock 0
MOM_output_literal " (ce:[format "%.3f" $xystock]MM)"
MOM_output_literal " (di:[format "%.3f" $zstock]MM)"