建议增加UG NX 4.0 64Bit版本下载
版主在这个帖子:UG安装包大集合(包括UG目前发布的所有版本)http://www.ugsnx.com/thread-1416-1-1.html分享了N个版本的UG软件安装包,但还有个小小的遗憾,没有64位的UG NX 4.0安装软件。可能有的人会说NX 4.0没有64位的版本,但实际上还是有的,并且已经有人安装上,在使用了。
因为现在很多人的操作系统都是64位的Win7,工作中用NX 4.0的人也很多,所有如果提供64位的UG NX 4.0下载的话,那就太好了!即使64位的比32的快不了多少,至少也是一种尝试,一种体验嘛~呵呵
你怎么就那么容易被忽悠呢?我跟你说吧,04年UGS公司开发NX4的时候还没有64位操作系统呢,哪来的NX4 FOR 64位,你看到的那个是忽悠人的,只不过发布者在64位的系统安装成功过了。
你可不要在外面说NX4有64位版的哦,人家要笑你的,大家在64位WIN7上用的都是32位版的NX4, 就你在问64位的NX4.0在哪里。
WIN7 64位操作系统本来就是可以兼容很多32位软件的。 本帖最后由 qq4442848 于 2012-8-16 16:40 编辑
据我所知,这里有64位的NX 4.0下载,打开这个页面,
我们用的都是6.0了,我没事自己研究8.0,呵呵 本帖最后由 qq4442848 于 2012-8-16 17:43 编辑
YEQIONG2006/老叶 发表于 2012-8-16 17:10 static/image/common/back.gif
你怎么就那么容易被忽悠呢?我跟你说吧,04年UGS公司开发NX4的时候还没有64位操作系统呢,哪来的NX4 FOR 64 ...
嗯 你按推出的年代算的 是个不錯的推断 算我好奇心太強,被他们忽悠了吧,呵呵~
不过NX4.0是05年推出的, Windows XP X64 05年也已经有了
不管你信不信,反正我是信了。 不管你信不信,反正我是信了 过程中更加的得心应手 老叶 发表于 2012-8-16 17:10
你怎么就那么容易被忽悠呢?我跟你说吧,04年UGS公司开发NX4的时候还没有64位操作系统呢,哪来的NX4 FOR 64 ...
NX VERSION 4.0 Release
Windows XP (64 Bit) Issued: Jan 2006
Files on this media are intended for use on the Windows XP (64 Bit) platform only.
This release of NX, requires a mandatory patch to Windows XP 64.
Your Windows 64 XP system must have either the VC8 compiler installed or
the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64)" patch.
This patch is available as a small executable (vcredist_x64.exe) located at
the top level of this media or may be called from the media launcher program.
You must install this patch program before attempting to run NX.
To install the products on this media, run the 'launch' program at
the top level, or change directory to the product directory and
run the setup program contained within that directory.
The 'docs' folder contains Installation documents and other related
documents, which may be viewed or printed with your browser.
Further information is contained in the README file located in
the "docs" folder.
NOTE:Viewing Documentation directly from the media Launcher will
require that the Adobe Acrobat plug-in is installed on your
system.No errors are given if the plug-in is not available.
Download the plug-in from:http://www.adobe.com/acrobat
The What's New Guide and the Release Notes are contained in the
REL_INFO kit in the nx040 folder.This will be installed by
default with the Typical installation option.If you use the Custom
installation option, it is recommended that you select the
'REL_INFO' kit.
Once installed, both documents can be viewed from the start menu:
Start -> Programs -> UGS NX 4.0 -> Release Information ->
*Whats New
*Release Notes
A copy of the Release Letter is also provided in the "docs" folder.
This is viewable with your Web Browser.
Begin browsing with the following initial file:
Further information is contained in the docs\README file.
所以,怎么下载 。。。