lioosjery 发表于 2025-1-1 14:03:10


HAAS UMC-750 5X MILL 2025 Po

mi1—Enable G234 (TCPC) and G254 (dynamic work offsets) feature.
0 : Disable both G234 (TCPC) and G254 (dynamic work offsets) modes.
1 : Enable both G234 and G254, and automatically select proper mode.

mi2—Absolute or incremental output.
0 : Outputs absolute (G90) coordinates.
1 : Outputs incremental (G91) coordinates.

mi3—Enable G187 high speed machining/accuracy mode G187 P__ E__ where P is
entered here and E is entered with mr3.
0 : Disable G187.
1 : Select G187 P1 (rough).
2 : Select G187 P2 (medium).
3 : Select G187 P3 (smooth finish).

mi4—Bias for C-axis positioning on approach move.
–999 : Bias to lower limit
0 : Calculate the angle without using any bias
999 : Bias to upper limit
Any other value :The desired angular position to use as the bias angle

mi5—Bias for B-axis positioning on approach move.
–999 : Bias to lower limit
0 : Calculate the angle without using any bias
999 : Bias to upper limit
Any other value :The desired angular position to use as the bias angle

mi6—Work shift for multiaxis toolpaths.
0 : Use tool plane origin
1 : Use WCS origin

mi7—Retract to clearance distance when rotary limit is hit.
0 : Disable retract moves
1 : Enable retract moves

mi8—Retract tool for rotary reposition events.
0 : None
1 : Null tool change only
2 : Physical tool change only
3 : Both physical and null tool changes
4 : Between chains for multiaxis toolpaths

mi9—Bias rotary angle solutions towards primary (A) or secondary axis B).Mastercam
tries to find an angular solution that satisfies both your Initial primary and Initial
secondary values. Use the Bias option to tell the post which solution to use when this is
not possible.
–1 : Solve for the secondary axis (B).
0 : Solve for the primary axis (A).

mi10—Secondary (B) axis orientation.
0 : Continuous range
1 : Lock to positive
2 : Lock to negative

Real values
mr1—Clearance distance for approach/retract moves.

mr2—Activate right-angle head.
–90 : Orientation around B-axis
0 : Disable right-angle head support.
+90 : Orientation around B-axis

mr3—Corner rounding radius value (E value) for G187 mode.

mr4—Output X and Y coordinates with G53 command if the operation is a null tool
0 : Do not output X and Y.
1 : Include X and Y coordinates.

mr5—Output G254 (DWO) instead of G234 (TCPC) for multiaxis toolpaths that are locked
to 3-axis output.
0 : Do not change to DWO; output TCPC.
1 : Output DWO instead of TCPC.

mr6—Distance for safe Z retract moves.

mr10—Z-shift when using right-angle head.

xinruyu369 发表于 2025-1-1 21:51:04


75921872 发表于 2025-1-1 15:14:08

666, very good

yin5816 发表于 2025-1-1 16:04:29


liangliangnizai 发表于 2025-1-1 16:18:15


wo5068056 发表于 2025-1-1 16:24:22


hegaoj3 发表于 2025-1-1 21:54:26


/ty旭馹鶇昇 发表于 2025-1-2 13:12:16


lyy_6079 发表于 2025-1-2 13:26:49


lyy_6079 发表于 2025-1-2 13:27:06

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查看完整版本: HAAS UMC-750