#limhi-limlo are expected equal amount from inthi-intlo
#3 = Greater than 360 degrees
auto_set_lim : 0 #Set the type from the angle limit settings (ignore these)
pri_limtyp$: 0
sec_limtyp$: 0
#Rotary axis travel limits, always in terms of normal angle output
#Set the absolute angles for axis travel on primary
pri_limlo$ : 0
pri_limhi$ : 360
#Set intermediate angle, in limits, for post to reposition machine
pri_intlo$ : 0
pri_inthi$ : 360
#Set the absolute angles for axis travel on secondary
sec_limlo$ : 0
sec_limhi$ : 110
#Set intermediate angle, in limits, for post to reposition machine
sec_intlo$ : 0
sec_inthi$ : 110
bias_null : 0 #mi4 and mi5 bias are applied at null toolchanges
use_clamp : 0 #Use the automatic clamp Mcode
N372 G0 Z100.
N374 G69
N376 G28 G91 Z0.
N378 G0 G90 C0. A90.
N380 G68.2 X0. Y0. Z0. I+0. J+90. K+0
N382 G53.1
N384 G0 G55 G90 X-57.759 Y-0.002 S3000 M3
N386 G0 G90 G43 H7 Z100.
N388 G0 C0. A90.
N390 X-57.759 Y-0.002
N392 Z25.
N394 G1 Z24.49 F600.
N396 X51.759 F500.
N398 G2 X56.019 Y-4.262 J-4.26
N400 X51.759 Y-8.522 I-4.26
N402 G1 X-51.759
N404 G3 X-56.019 Y-12.782 J-4.26
N406 X-51.759 Y-17.043 I4.26
N408 G1 X51.759
N410 G2 X56.019 Y-21.303 J-4.26
N412 X51.759 Y-25.563 I-4.26 机床控制定义改没有 如果编程什么的没问题,机床配置那里改一下。旋转轴的旋转方向 yin5816 发表于 2024-9-28 19:27
"E:\12.png" yin5816 发表于 2024-9-28 19:27
机床控制定义里面没找到你说的这个呀 12568 发表于 2024-9-29 09:19
看图这里 yin5816 发表于 2024-9-29 12:56
我2022版本,{:3_41:} 2022版本一样改的