PMI,是Product Manufacturing Information的缩写,中文定义:产品和加工信息。很多人都用过PMI功能,没用过基本也知道它的存在。这个是西门子NX 6开始有的功能,大家可以把它理解成三维标注,三维注释。在产品制造业有了比较实在的作用,可以在三维视图下进行尺寸标注,方便简单。刚开始是一个会员问PMI是什么的英文的缩写,所以引出的此贴,顺便跟大家科普一下。
Product and manufacturing information, also abbreviated PMI, conveys non-geometric attributes in 3D computer-aided design (CAD) and Collaborative Product Developmentsystems necessary for manufacturing product components or subsystems. PMI may include geometric dimensions and tolerances, 3D annotation (text) and dimensions, surface finish, and material specifications. CAD application literature may also refer to PMI synonymously with Geometric Dimensions and Tolerances (GD&T) or Functional Tolerancing and Annotation (FT&A).Industry standards for defining PMI include ASME Y14.41-2003 Digital Product Data Definition Practices and ISO 1101:2004 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) -- Geometrical tolerancing—Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out. In an effort to unify the visualization of PMI across the different existing solutions, Adobe Systemshas released a version of the Myriad CAD font that allows display of PMI information from almost any CAD application. Similarly, Siemens PLM Software offers downloadable font sets for multiple languages such as for Asian character sets. The ISO 10303 STEP standards also handle a wide range of PMI information.The PMI annotation is created on the 3D CAD model, associated to edges and faces, and can be exported into neutral formats such as Siemens JT and ISO 10303 STEP. This information can then be used by a number of down-stream processes. Although PMI can be used to generate annotation on a traditional 2D drawing the data can be visualized within the 3D model by other departments, either in the CAD/CAM system or in a 3D Product visualization tool, thus reducing the need for drawings (Drawing on Demand). Some 3D model formats enable computer-aided manufacturing software to access PMI directly for CNC programming. The PMI also may be used by tolerance analysis and Coordinate-measuring machine (CMM) software applications if the modeling application permits.PMI items are often organized under PMI Views. A PMI View is a view including camera/view position and also the particular state of the assembly (visibility, rendering mode, sometime even position of each element of the assembly). CAD applications have different notions of PMI Views (for instance "Capture Views" and "Annotation Views" are specific to Dassault Systems CATIA, etc.).
站个位置,后面保持队形 woyekankan嘿嘿我看看 woyekankan嘿嘿我看看 学习一下 还是没沾上前排?????? 哎呦,英文看的吃力。 好好好 标准 这个貌似catia 和proe搞得比较早啊。。。。实际上没那么实用。。。。 好吧听过没用过{:tongue:}