seanliu404* 发表于 2017-9-20 11:00:40

woshuowoshuoni 发表于 2017-9-15 11:31


yyjj77* 发表于 2017-9-20 20:23:51


hcq8866 发表于 2017-9-22 13:32:52

PTC Product Management are very excited to announce in October we will be providing early access to CREO 5.0 for all Channel Partners whom register for the Creo 5.0 update training. The purpose of the update training is to provide all partners with a chance to learn everything that is new in Creo 5.0 prior to the customers obtaining access in November.
From November 10th any customer who is on active maintenance and has registered their interest in testing Creo 5.0 Sneak peek will have the opportunity to try-out Creo 5.0 and to enter a design competition to win cash prizes.

PTC产品管理是在十月宣布我们将提供所有的渠道合作伙伴谁登记的Creo 5更新训练早期访问Creo 5很兴奋。的更新培训的目的是为所有合作伙伴提供一个学习的机会,一切都是新的在Creo 5给客户在十一月获得访问之前。             从11月10日的任何客户谁是主动维护和注册他们的测试Creo 5先睹为快的兴趣将有机会尝试Creo 5和参加设计比赛赢得奖金。
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查看完整版本: Creo4是不是还没熟悉,没关系,Creo5即将来临