本帖最后由 xiaodi868 于 2017-7-11 10:02 编辑用丽台专业卡的朋友有福音了,升级到NX11.0.1后有效的提高渲染性能!
Ray Traced Studio
To maximize rendering performance for NX 11.0.1, you need an NVIDIA GPU with CUDA Compute Capability 2.0 and higher, and a graphics driver supporting CUDA 8.0 or higher (For NVIDIA driver version, contact GTAC)
Users upgrading to NX11.0.1 may need to upgrade to a later NVIDIA graphics driver version for CUDA 8.0 support.
Because some driver versions supporting CUDA 8.0 have incorrect documentation stating they only support CUDA 7.5, the NVIDIA Control Panel should be checked to verify the actual CUDA version supported.
The current CUDA version supported by the NVIDIA graphics driver can be obtained using the NVIDIA Control Panel→System Information→Components tab→3D Settings→<Product Name for NVCUDA>
Using Teamcenter as the issue site for NX Issue Management
When you use NX Issue Management, you can specify Teamcenter as the issue site only when Teamcenter Issue Manager is deployed via Teamcenter Environment Manager at the server side. NX displays an error message if it cannot connect to Teamcenter Issue Manager. For more information, refer to the Teamcenter Environment Manager Help.
相信会越来越好。谢谢分享! PJ版哪有升级包可用呢 还是多做几个渲染接口实用。 这个需要在ug哪开启吗???
还是说用上专业卡就直接生效啊??? 在哪下载?