NX11升级到NX11.0.2。7后焊接助理怎么调出来呀,能指点一下吗?谢谢同问,找半天找不到,命令查找也没有焊接命令 本帖最后由 guopinghua 于 2017-7-19 08:59 编辑
我的也调不出来,但是原来画的焊缝可以编辑。不会取消了这个模块吧? I checked with the product manager responsible for this area in NX. Here is his response:
That was an error in the packaging of this version and Weld Assistant was left out The issue has been addressed in NX11.0.2 MP-0. 上面是西门子官方回复,补丁有问题,需下一个补丁来解决 December 发表于 2017-7-21 11:20
请问哪里可以下载到补丁? 那里可以下载补丁啊???
老哥你的运动仿真模块进去新建一个能行吗? 能行的话分享下许可证呗 我这升到11.0.2.7 运动仿真里总提示nx motion许可证没法用