UG_NX11.0.0 MP01升级补丁发布
NX 11.0.0 MP1升级补丁提前发布,更新内容如下:NX11.0正式版 缝合完成以后不显示边界的问题已经修复!
We are pleased to inform you that fixes are available for the problems listed below.A maintenance pack (MP1), built for installation on top of Windows64 and Linux64 images of NX 11.0.0 and SC 11.0.0, can now be downloaded from the Siemens PLM Download Server. This maintenance pack addresses the issues associated with the PR numbers and short descriptions listed in the tables below:
ReleasePR NumberShort Description
MP07543147Error opening a routing assembly
MP07686179Batch Processing with delay time does not work
MP07721010Error opening a routing assembly
MP07723695General WAVE Relinker doesn’t choose automatically IPE with multiple occurrences
MP07732325Changes to named references prevent saving
MP07734413NX crashes with an error when trying to open a part file
MP07740300Option Report Shortest Tool doesn’t include the field (OS) Offset.
MP07745527Option Report Shortest Tool doesn’t include the field (OS) Offset.
MP07760795Report shortest Tool length is not correct for Zlevel
MP08277216Error loading fem after replacing component
MP08288586PMI Appended Text, parameter link only possible to parameters of default group
MP08298245When in expression dialog, selecting objects in PNT does not work like NX10.0.2
MP08303559Measurement Failed with “Null Tag not allowed” Error when Measuring in Motion Application
MP08305515Editing an Interpart Expression name
MP08305522Expression dialog: after apply the new focus is on Visibility-Show
MP08305952Operating System Error
MP08306042Expression: New Expression ignores Active Group
MP08308133Unable to open part with error “An embedded object cannot be deleted in isolation”
MP08312278Repeat Command (F4) not available for AddOns
ReleasePR NumberShort Description
MP17497700Subordinate Design Elements removed when finishing Subset in NX.
MP17683194Teamcenter Attribute mapped in NX is not showing Display Name of LOV value
MP18293137Standard Part Assembly Constraints have invalid RM references to components
MP18313250NX 11.0.0 MP0 patch has hardcoded the wrong Title
Windows update instructions
The files contained in are provided as replacements for previously installed NX 11.0.0 and SC 11.0.0 products.
For the Windows64 platform, you should have at least 3.08 GB of free space to unzip this file.
Version NX 11.0.0 or SC 11.0.0 must be installed before updating to version NX 11.0.0.mp01. Please be aware that these updated MP files will be superseded by the next maintenance release or maintenance pack installed on your machines.To use this update, change to the directory where you unzipped the file, make sure the entire set of new MP files have execute access.
Then do either one of the following: 1.Run 'run_ugsupdate.exe'This will read the %UGII_BASE_DIR% from the Registry and apply the update to the NX 11.0.0 or SC 11.0.0 folder.2.OR, you may follow the instructions below to run ugs_update.bat directly.Before running the script, please make sure the environment variable %UGII_BASE_DIR% is set to the base directory of the NX 11.0.0 or SC 11.0.0 release or set to the appropriate installed directory on your system.Then execute the 'ugs_update.bat' script.
For example:
Set UGII_BASE_DIR="C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 11.0" cd nx1100_mp01
ugs_update.bat /v
The script supports a "/v" switch to turn on verbose messages while doing the file updates. The default operation of the script is non-verbose.
The script supports a "/d" switch. This will turn off the script confirmation prompts; useful for running the update in a batch job.
The script also supports a "/p" switch. This will turn off the initial confirmation prompt but it will display the final 'done' prompt. This is useful for running the update in a batch job where a final prompt is desired.
LINUX update instructions The files contained in nx-11.0.0.mp01.tar.gz are provided as replacements for previously installed NX 11.0.0 and SC 11.0.0 products.
For the Linux64 platform, you should have at least 3.93 GB of free space.
Version NX 11.0.0 or SC 11.0.0 must be installed before updating to version NX 11.0.0.mp01.Please be aware that these updated MP files will be superseded by the next maintenance release or maintenance pack installed on your machines.
To use this update, change to the directory where you extracted the nx-11.0.0.mp01.tar.gz distribution file, make sure the entire set of new MP files have execute access, then execute the “ugs_update” script.
cd nx1100_mp01chmod 555 *./ugs_update -v
The script will interrogate your installed NX or SC directory, and update the installed files.The normal operation of the script is non-verbose; stop to confirm default answers.
The update script supports 2 switches:-v = Display verbose messages.-d = Take all default answers (i.e.: script will not stop to ask questions).
After the MP update has run successfully, the following identifying text will be written into the system log of every NX and SC session:
"NX MP1, 07Sep16.See Maintenance Pack letter for detailed list of fixes."
If you have any issues with the installation or support of these fixes, please contact your local Siemens PLM GTAC support group.
Sincerely, 该贴已经同步到 老叶的微博 不可以下载? tomilyzhx 发表于 2016-9-13 15:19
晚上或者明天上午。{:smile:} 沙发!!
太好了,不知道那些BUG都改好了没?{:victory:}{:victory:}{:victory:}{:victory:}{:victory:} 11.0草图里的样条(不是艺术样条,这个命令是以前版本的),用样条这个命令画曲线时,确定后,尾部会飞走,我已经试了10.0 8.0 6.0 都不会飞,老叶能不能帮忙解决下。 老叶 发表于 2016-9-13 15:23
不知道修复了框选延迟问题了没有? MP01基本没修复什么 qys1002 发表于 2016-9-13 15:29
西门子搞啥飞机啊,,,干脆九月底发布得了,搞一半丢一半的,,, qys1002 发表于 2016-9-13 15:29